How the Great Wall was built ?
We would provide information in diverse languages as long as we could read and understand.
If the Covid19 were not too scary, the new found virus, NeoCov would give a cold run down the spine.
LEE Zii Jia, the number one badminton player has decided to leave the national badminton association (BAM),
The new political party, Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (MUDA) which is initiated by youngsters from various backgrounds, will give the current political scene in Malaysia.
The group of musicians from different ethnics in Malaysia are playing different tribal music by using the different tribal mixed musical instruments.
The head of anti corruption bureau, Azam Baki refused to attend the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) inquiry.
The 2022 started with the bad news for the sports atheletes as the allowance for the sports men and women are cut.
The latest rule from Malaysia health depart for travellers in and out of Malaysia is one must be fully vaccinated.
The anti corruption bureau head, Azam Baki said that only the King in Malaysia can terminate his post in the bureau.
There are many changes after the Covid pandemics.