Thursday 21 October 2021

Notice Board : Unfair treatment from AdSense


Right, we were treated unfairly by AdSense.

If you were the readers of the previous months, you noticed the advertisements appearing on our blog.

Of course, we were too worried that the advertisements might annoyed the readers. However, we went ahead with the project of AdSense. The reason was to get few US dollars for the volunteers of the blog to buy internet usage.

The pandemic Covid-19 hit hard in most countries. Each and every good citizen would have to work extra hard to earn a few cents to supply the daily living cost. That is why we decided to apply for the AdSense. In fact, we were not thinking to apply for the AdSense programme when we started this blog. All we wanted was to help the readers to get more information during the lockdown. 

It was a delight that we finally hit the target of readership to qualify for the AdSense programme. In fact, we were not looking for much money as what those YouTuber said, a thousand or two in a month. If we could earn a hundred or two hundred US dollars, it would be happy as the basic needs of purchasing internet usage would be met.

After a fortnight, we got an email from AdSense team saying we were using unethical method to get the advertisement clicks. They called it Bot. We are not in the technical field, we do not know what a bot is. We could only earn about 10 US dollars a day on average.

If Google AdSense had so many technical experts in the company, they should have able to detect the sources of click rather than the click came from one source. This one source was not clearly clarified. Was it from one country, one place or one person.

Google AdSense should find a way to stop the Bot, as it said. It could be one internet IP could only click for 10 advertisements a day. Our senior team member had experienced the AdSense from Google 3 decades ago. Google locked the internet IP once it was clicked. There would be no more revenue from the clicks the same IP even though it was the next day. Many people were cheated by Google AdSense. How many new IPs one could collect to gain the revenue? Even the 10 clicks a day could not provide much income either. The 10 clicks would have to wait for more than 20 minutes as refreshing the page took most of the time.

Some commented in the AdSense YouTube Channel, it was the tactics that Google AdSense tried to disqualify the money from the participants of the AdSense programme. I did not know.

If you were interested, you could watch the AdSense instruction videos to decide for yourself. We would have part 2 later.

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