Saturday 2 October 2021

Ecuador : Skilling for Sustainable Tourism project


 Sustainable tourism is a fashionable word these days.

 It is however important for the world to survive better.

In Ecuador, the Skilling for Sustainable Tourism project would make a different impact.

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Ecuador - Skilling for Sustainable Tourism: aligning TVET with industry

The Skilling for Sustainable Tourism project centres on improving the quality and relevance of the two tourism-related courses offered at the level of upper secondary technical education: the ‘Bachillerato Técnico Ventas e Información Turística’ and the ‘Bachillerato Técnico Servicios Hoteleros’ (freely translated as the course in tourism and the course in hotel services respectively).

The project enhances the quality and relevance of the tourism-related courses by contributing to a strong and lasting alignment between the courses offered and the skills-needs of the travel and tourism industry. To do so, the project establishes meaningful collaboration between the education sector on the one hand and the travel and tourism industry on the other.

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